actual size: leaves cca 12-15 cm
actual size: leaves cca 12-15 cm

Aloe congdonii  Carter (1994)   

DESCRIPTION: Plant stemless, suckering to form large groups. Leaves in compact rosette ovate-lanceolate 15-25x2-5 cm, grey green tinged red, surface with pale spots. Brown tipped teeth 1-2 mm long, 5-8 mm apart. Inflorescence erect up to 30 cm tall, simple or occasionally with 2 branches, racemes subcapitate to cylindrical. Flowers dull orange pink.
CULTIVATION: It is not commonly grown in private collections or in Botanical Gardens. In a greenhouse in Europe, the plant has narrower leaves. The leaves are longer than in nature and the pattern is not as pronounced. This is due to the intensity of sunlight and the altitude of the habitat site.

adult  -mother plant
adult -mother plant