actual size: 5-6 cm
actual size: 5-6 cm

Huernia delicata Plowes   

DESCRIPTION: Stems to 7 cm tall, 5-angled; teeth acutely tapered, either horizontal or slightly upturned towards apex, 1 cm long; flowers usually three in succession from near base of young stems, borne horizontally or slightly nutant; pedicels 1 cm long, horizontal or slightly down-curved; sepals 7 mm long, slender; corolla broadly campanulate, 20–25 mm diam., base of tube not inflated, cream internally, paler and glabrous externally, lobes triangular, attenuate, with short delicate concentric maroon streaks breaking up into spots on lobe apices and often in base of tube as well; papillae slender, conical, longest on limb and in mouth of tube, becoming very small towards lobe tips and in base of tube, pale, unmarked, translucent, covered with microscopic sharp slender conical crystalline spicules and tipped with a minute short dark apiculus ; outer corona lobes reduced in length and fused to form a nearly circular disc with the emarginate lobes only extending very slightly beyond the edge of the circle and wider than long with square or rounded apices, usually dark purple (but occasionally edged with yellow and sometimes with yellow lines that extend up to the bases of the inner corona lobes); lobes adpressed to the base of the tube and merging with staminal column via an inclined rounded central ridge .