actual size: 5-6 cm
actual size: 5-6 cm

Huernia erinacea  P.R.O. Bally  

DESCRIPTION: It is a loose perennial succulent plant readily offsetting to form low growing mounds up to 10 cm in diameter and 2,5-5 cm high.

Stems: Prostrate or rarely with ascending extremity, almost terete. 5-angular rigid to 20-60 mm long and 10-14 mm in diameter. Ribs and obtuse tubercles with teeth to them.

Flowers: Near the base of the stems pointing out-wards, upright, 4-5 cm in diameter. Peduncle 7-20 mm long. Tube blunt, flat, basally glabrous, mouth 2 -1.5 cm across, slightly constricted. Sepals c. 6 mm long and 1.75 mm wide. Corolla dull yellow with red spots or lines on limb, very papillate, upper corolla cream, lower dark purple-black. Corolla-lobes to 2 cm long, narrowly triangular. margins purple-red and irregularly dentate-papillose, inside densely papillose, papillae stippled with purple 0.5-1.5 mm long, obtusely conical, glabrous. Corona c. 9 mm in diameter. Outer corona-lobes black-purple, lobes transversely rectangular, centrally with a short appendix or broadly quadrangular, deeply emarginate. Inner corona-lobes whitish, basally purple, apically weakly spotted, lobes 3.5 mm, cylindrical, blunt, slightly divergent.