actual size: leaves cca 6-8 cm
actual size: leaves cca 6-8 cm
adult plant
adult plant

Aloe maculata      Allioni (1773)

DESCRIPTION: stemless or with short stem. Leaves 12-20, 25-30x8-12 cm, dark green with many elongated spots. Inflorescence 40-100 cm, 3-8 branches, racemes capitate, flowers salmon-pink.
Synonymy: Aloe disticha, Aloe latifolia, Aloe leptophylla, Aloe maculosa, Aloe perfoliata, Aloe saponaria, Aloe umbellata
DISTRIBUTION: Lesotho, R. South Africa (Eastern Cape, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Western Cape), Swaziland.
CULTIVATION: Common and widespread species, very variable, easy to grow.