actual size: leaves cca 3-5 cm
actual size: leaves cca 3-5 cm

Aloe mcloughlinii       Christian (1951)

DESCRIPTION: stemless, usually solitary or in small groups, leaves 16-20, recurved, 40-50x7-9 cm, glossy, bright or dark green with numerous spots, firm. Pale brown teeth 3-5 mm long and 10-15 mm apart. Inflorescence 100-120 cm high, branching in the middle erect with 9-11 branches. Racemes cylindrical, 11-20 cm long, lax (2-3 flowers per cm). Pedicel 5-9(12) mm long, flowers red.
DISTRIBUTION: Ethiopia (Harar Prov.),
CULTIVATION: Easy to grow, similar growing as A. somaliensis

habitat plant
habitat plant