actual size: leaves cca 6-12 cm
actual size: leaves cca 6-12 cm

Aloe sinana  Reynolds (1957)   

DESCRIPTION: Branching, with stem erect or divergent, up to 1 m long. leaves 12-16, rosulate, persistent ca 20 cm, 50-70 cmx10-13 cm, grey green, usually with few spots, spots usually more numerous on lower surface, reddish and pungent teeth 4 mm long, 10-20 mm apart. Inflorescence 1 m to 1,2 m tall with 4 (max. 7) branches, racemes conical to subcapitate 6-10x8 cm, flowers orange to scarlet. Plants are VERY SIMILAR to Aloe camperi, but have fewer inflorescence branches and longer flowers
CULTIVATION: plant very easy to grow, similar to A. camperi