actual size: leaves cca 6-9 cm
actual size: leaves cca 6-9 cm
adult plant
adult plant

Aloe somaliensis  Watson (1899)   

DESCRIPTION: stemless, solitary, leaves 12-16, 15-35x7 cm glossy pale to brownish green with numerous spots. Teeth 4 mm long, 8-10 mm apart. Inflorescence 60-80 cm, usually branched, flowers pinkish scarlet, about 28-30 mm. A. somaliensis ssp. marmorata has larger size and its spots often become less distinct with age. It has a larger, more-branched inflorescence and the flowers are dull red color to pink.
CULTIVATION: easy to grow.

seedlings ssp. somaliensis
seedlings ssp. somaliensis
seedling ssp. marmorata
seedling ssp. marmorata