actual size: leaves cca 6-10 cm
actual size: leaves cca 6-10 cm

Aloe trichosantha  Berger (1905)   

DESCRIPTION: stemless or with short stem. Suckering. Leaves ca 15, 50x10 cm, dull green, few scattered spots (in young). pungent reddish teeth. Inf. 100-150 cm high, cylindrical reaceme ca 30-45 cm coral pink tomentose flowers. Subsp. trichosantha - marginal teeth 8-12 per 10 cm, 4,5-5,5 mm long, perianth 20-23 mm long. Subsp. longiflora - marginal teeth 4-8 per 10 cm, 2-4 mm long, perianth 25-30 mm long.
DISTRIBUTION: Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somaliland, Eritrea.
CULTIVATION: Very easy to grow.