size: leaves cca 6-9 cm
size: leaves cca 6-9 cm

Aloe weloensis   Sebsebe (2011)   

DESCRIPTION: Acaulescent, solitary or in clumps of 2 – 5. Leaves in rosettes up to 35, 20 – 45x5 – 10 cm, with greenish white elongate spots, seen both above and below, more conspicuous below; marginal spines, 1 – 2mm long, brownish-tipped, 10 – 12 per 10 cm length Inflorescence 1 or 2, 55–150 cm long, with 4 – 6 racemes; raceme cylindrical, 15– 25 cm long and 6 – 8 cm in diam. Bracts white, ovate– acuminate, 2 – 5x2 mm. Pedicel 10 – 13 mm long. Perianth pinkish red, 21 – 23 mm long, base slightly swollen, truncate, 5 – 6mm in diam.
CULTIVATION: New taxon, very similar to Aloe macrocarpa.

adult plant
adult plant